The Friends is a parent led association with teacher representation. Led by a committee of existing parents, teachers and governors, but with all parents from both the Junior and Senior school automatically as members, it exists to:
- Promote good relations between the school and parents
- Provide funding to projects within both schools
- Foster friendships in and across year group
- Facilitate discussion on matters important to parents with those who have already gone through similar times or issues at the school, aware of the assistance this can provide
- Provide access to a second-hand source of School Uniform
Whilst every year varies, primarily the Friends achieve this through:
- Having regular coffee mornings throughout the year
- Larger social events and get-togethers to which everyone is welcome delivered both by the Friends and in partnership with the school
- Having year group representatives as a contact point for every year
- Supporting school events such as school open days
- Considering funding requests from any student, parent or teacher with projects that enhance the student experience and have the widest benefit looked on favourably
- Providing bursaries to student courses that enable an understanding of future studies or career direction
- The running of the Thrift Shop on-site at KC Senior School which provides a popular and reliable source of second-hand uniform
All parents are automatically members of the Friends and a voluntary £20 per family, regardless of number of children, is added to the school fees bill once per year to fund Friends’ activities, with funding also coming from social events and Thrift Shop proceeds.
“As Chair and a fellow parent, I’m always keen to reach out to new and existing parents across the whole of our school community. I look forward to meeting and chatting to you at a coffee morning, social event or KC event supported by the Friends. Our regular coffee mornings will be taking place throughout the year and we’d be delighted to see you.
I have certainly valued the connection to KC provided by the outreach and informal discussion forum that the Friends, whether through its events, WhatsApp year groups, or email & social media contact. I’m keen to ensure that this “value add” both to the parents and student body remains core to the mission of the Friends and I’m eager to involve as many parents as possible.”
In addition to the Chair, Mark Turnbull and Simon James as heads of both Schools sit on the Committee as well as the School’s Bursar, Richard Taylor.
“At its heart, Kent College is a community and the Friends of KC are an integral part of drawing the community together to support the very best outcomes for the pupils.” Mr Mark Turnbull, Head
Our key link to the school is provided by Rosie Kenmir, our teacher rep with parents Kris Langbridge and Mary Laws our elected Secretary and Treasurers. Vereuschuka Franklin represents the Junior School whilst Faye Lygo and Caroline Ribchester represent the senior school. Martin Godden provides our link to the governors whilst our longest serving member is John Charlesworth who, as well as providing our link to the Old Canterburians, is the pillar and quiz master extraordinaire of the ever-popular Friends’ annual quiz hosted at the school.
We’re always looking for parents, whether you’re new to the school or have been here a while and no matter what year your child is in, to help out. Whether you’d like to be a year group rep, committee member, or can spare us an hour every now and again to help make an event happen or contribute a raffle prize, we’re a volunteer organisation relying on voluntary contributions so it’s all invaluable to us. And if you work for a company that provides support, sponsorship or any other assistance, let’s have a chat.
Good quality second hand uniform can be bought at the Thrift Shop which is run by the Friends, located at the Senior School. It’s a great way to recycle Junior or Senior School good quality uniform you no longer need – please leave it with the School Office to save it from landfill – whilst buying cheap quality seconds for those fast growing students.
The Thrift Shop is open Monday and Friday afternoons during term time 15:30-17:00 during term time. Call the school office during school holidays for appointments. Purchases can be charged to the school fees bill.
Email: | |
Facebook: | @FOKCCanterbury |
Twitter: | @FOKCCanterbury |
Pupils can make an appointment through the Sister on duty in the Medical Centre or the Year Head. If you want to join your year group’s WhatsApp group, either contact your parent rep or email the Friends mailbox.
The Friends is a registered charity, so every year we hold an AGM to which all are invited. This usually takes place at the start of the Summer Term with notice given in KC News.